Gold99 | Step 1: Memorize Blackjack Strategy
The first step to successful card counting is to memorize basic blackjack strategy. There are 300 possible combinations of player and dealer starting hands, and you must know the correct decision for each one within seconds. Any mistake in basic strategy will reduce your chances of winning in the long run. You can find basic strategy charts and cheat sheets for free online.
Step 2: Practice Running Count
Once you have memorized basic strategy, practice counting cards with a deck of cards at your kitchen table. Start with a high/low count, where cards that help your future chances are assigned a +1, neutral cards get a 0, and cards that hurt your future chances get a -1. Practice counting the deck until you can do it accurately and consistently in 30 seconds or less.

Step 3: Convert to True Count
To count cards properly, you must convert the running count to the true count. The true count takes the running count and changes it into an accurate number based on how many decks are left to be dealt. You can estimate the number of decks remaining and divide the running count by that number to get the true count.
Step 4: Bet According to True Count
Knowing the true count helps you determine how much you should be betting at specific times. Start with your base unit and add one additional unit for each increase in true count over +1. Reduce your bet amount if the true count goes down after going up.
Step 5: Practice Under Stressful Situations
Practice card counting under stressful situations, such as with music or the TV on, or in a noisy environment. You must be able to handle distractions in the casino, such as dealers, players, and announcements. As you become more advanced, the true count may trigger deviations from basic strategy.
Further reading:Gold99 | Everything You Need to Know About Blackjack
In conclusion, card counting is not an easy strategy to master, but with practice and dedication, it is possible to become a successful card counter. Don’t forget to use reputable resources like Gold99 to enhance your knowledge and skills. With free bonuses and helpful tips, Gold99 can help you on your journey to becoming a winning card counter.