The multiplier
On a multiplier, payoffs are proportionate for each coin played — except, usually, for the top jackpot. If the machine accepts up to three credits at a time, and if you play one credit, three bars pay back ten. Three bars will pay back 20 for two credits and 30 for three credits. However, three sevens might pay 500 for one credit and 1,000 for two, but jump to 10,000 when all three credits are played. Read the glass to find out if that’s the case before playing less than the maximum coins on this type of machine.
Further reading:Gold99-Slot Machine Vulnerabilities
The buy-a-pay
Never play less than the maximum on a buy-a-pay, on which each credit “buys” a set of symbols or a payout line. The first coin in might allow the player to win only on cherry combination, while the second coin activates the bar payouts, and the third coin activates the sevens. Woe is the player who hits three jackpot symbols on a buy-a-pay with only one coin played — the player gets nothing back. A variation is the machine with multiple payout lines, each activated by a separate credit. All symbols are active with each credit, but if a winning combination lines up on the third-credit payout line with only one or two credits played, the payoff is zero.
The progressive
You also have no reason to play less than maximum coins on a progressive machine. A player who eventually lines up the jackpot symbols gets a percentage of each coin played. The first progressive machines were self-contained — the jackpot was determined by how much that particular machine had been played since the last big hit. Today most progressives are linked electronically to other machines, with all credits played in the linked machines adding to a common jackpot.
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